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This blog has been created with the intent to share developmental tips, ideas, best practices and resources for people seeking to learn, grow and inspire in their professional and personal lives.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Application Story 20: Slow Down … to Enjoy Live

We are very close to celebrate Easter, welcoming more light into our lives, with the beginning of upcoming seasons. Therefore it is a good time to make a pause and slow down to enjoy what will come soon in this new beginning.  This application story will bring to our attention those things that we tend to forget when rushing and living life as fast as we can, without really enjoying its pleasures, memorable and teachable moments.

In fact many of us live our lives running late, and behind time. The sad thing is that for some of us we may reach it only when we will die of a heart attack rushing to be on time. Others are so anxious of leaving the future that they forget to live the present, which is the only time that truly exists. Like this said: “Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans” So the questions is what are we going to do?

What is more today’s challenge is becoming questioning ourselves: “How Do We Keep Up?.”
In our rush, we don’t realize that we have missed something important like a fact, an intention, a tone, an expression, an unperceived issue, history or new reality. Later we wish we had taken even what someone really mean. It is a true reality and for that reason I am a firm believer that we need to take a pause to really think, rest, take away a negative feeling, speak, listen, understand, express an emotion, heal or simply do nothing; In fact, it is important to consider “slowing down” as a fundamental part of our wellbeing. 

For this topic I happened to find something called: “The Slowdown Manifesto”, and here is a fragment of that to help us slowdown, and take a pause in life.  “We shall not flag or fail. We shall slowdown in the office, and on the roads. We shall slow down with growing confidence when all those around us are in a shrill state of hyperactivity (signifying nothing). We shall defend our state of calm, whatever the cost may be. We shall slowdown in the fields and in the streets, we shall slowdown in the hills, we shall never surrender!” - SlowDownNow.org

More things to share…Studies have shown that rushing is a direct cause of rudeness, blunder, and misfortune. In fact from the moment we begin our days, we are juggling work and other personal things… before we know it, we are making snap decisions or snapping at others. We may get angry or defensive with others, also impulsive and mediocre. Our life becomes hectic and we rush missing the great privilege that comes from enjoying one moment at a time. And with this I do not mean to stop being productive or efficient, what I mean is to really add the quality to our work and daily things by slowing down.

What can we do to avoid this?

It is not easy to break a habit of rushing thru life; however if we work on it, we will see great improvements and a better quality of work life balance. I’m a strong believer that once you decide to do it, the positive side effects in our daily routines and relationships will improve by taking the moment to really think, pause and breathe before rushing into things. Just reflect about it! Let me give you a very common example: If you start your day like rushing all your to do’s, and not being fully present, others will start perceiving that. In fact, if you are in a meeting and you rush your material or information because you are really thinking about the next thing you have to do; people will stop listening to you no matter how important is your message. The fact is that they will notice your rush and your internal desperation to finish one thing to get to the other without being fully present. Moreover, people in your meeting will be more concerned about your way of delivering the information, and your lack of presence, than the quality of the information. And that can make people perceive you as a person who is not really in the moment.

So to help us become slower in the things we do in life, let’s reflect on the following questions:

1. How do we make most of the time we have?
2. How do we successfully handle what’s on our plates?
3. How do we still feel good about ourselves at the end of each day?

In addition, I want to share some practical tips I have collected over the years of working in a multiphase-pace environment. I welcome us to explore them and try things at our own pace or convenience so we can slowdown in life and enjoy simple things more often.

1. Do one thing at a time. Remember multitasking is a moral weakness.

2. Do not be pushed into answering questions. A response is not the same as an answer. Ponder, take your time.

3. Learn the Slow Manifesto described above.

4. Close your eyes often. Medical studies have shown lots of things, and possibly that closing your eyes may be good for you.

5. Spend more time in bed. You have a better chance of cultivating your dreams (not your aspirations.)

6. Read & relax once a week as possible.

7. Spend more time with your family, kids, friend and partners. You can recharge your energy by getting to meet your love ones.

8. Spend more time in the bathtub.

9. Sometimes, practice doing nothing. (Yes this is the difficult one.)

10. Avoid too much seriousness. Laugh, because you're only alive on planet earth for a limited time.

More For Us.... in case the above are already done in our list!

11. Avoid TV as much as you can so you can take time to think, and relax in a different way.

12. Practice Yoga or meditation it is good to hear your soul.

13. Show appreciation for people.

14. Smile at people. That will make you feel good.

15. When talking pause, and make sure you say things in a clear way. I learned the rule of sharing only 3 things instead of going on and on.

16. Drive with the mindset of buying a place or a house, so that you can slow down and enjoy the ride.

17. Take walk at the park, street, etc.

18. Avoid complaining about things, think that all of them are learning moments.

19. Make sure you have passion for something and practice your hobbies.
20. If you feel your body is telling you to slow down with some signals like palpitations, mental stress, lack of sleep, frustration, or feeling really tired… LISTEN to that!

What else?


In summary, there are likely many more ways by which you can slow your life down. A simple hammock and a warm summer day for a nap, an intimate conversation, telling stories to children, the list can go on and on… The main point is to slow down! Keep in mind that the world can function without us for a little while. And no one is truly indispensable. If they were, we wouldn't have presidential elections every few years.

The mark of a successful man is one that has spent an entire day on the bank of a river without feeling guilty about it.  ~Author Unknown


1 comment:

  1. Taty, it really touched me. I always tend to forget about the quality, which is at the end what really matters. Thank you for this beautiful reminder today sunday, just before I start another rushing week.
