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This blog has been created with the intent to share developmental tips, ideas, best practices and resources for people seeking to learn, grow and inspire in their professional and personal lives.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Ways to live in the moment: The Time Mistery

"Do not say you do not have enough time. You have the exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to people like Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein". – H Jackson Brow.

I just read this quote and got me thinking… How many times we said in a day "I wish I can have more hours to do all the things I need to do", "I do not have time?" etc… If we are like the majority of people, this is something we just thought about it at least once a day. It seems like our lives continue to be busier but time does not stretch with that fact. However, when I read this quote it reminded me that great things can be done and have been done without stretching or increasing time. So let’s stop complaining about it, and do something.

Action Item:
What would you do with your time today, tomorrow?
What can you do to stop complaning and do something?

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