For anyone looking for ways to slow done and be more fulfilled…
Entering into the middle of summer, I have decided to start the upcoming blog entries with a new title: “Ways to Live in the Moment.” Here is why? The other day I was on a boat ride at the Florida Keys with some of my coworkers. While enjoying the ride with the ocean view, and great scenery of the water, the wind, and the different water vegetation… I was in silent observing and embracing the moment in the boat. I truly decided to just observed and enjoy that moment, breathing and listening to what was happening just in there. It was very inspirational to me because it gave me the opportunity to think about only enjoying the now of that moment.
Thus, for our blog entries sharing ways to live in the moment is another way to create a dialog between all of us. Why… because the intent is to share best practices to grow, develop and inspire others with a better outcome in life.

Here we go… with our new topic – The Value of Now!
Explore these tips to help us value the “NOW”
1. Life Saving – If we take care of the moment, the years will take care of themselves.
2. Knuckling Down – Spend few minutes doing this simple exercise in mindfulness – that is, full attention to experience. While seated, empty your mind and hold your hands palms down as if you about to do some typing. Now look closely at your knuckles. Get to know them so well that you’d recognize them, from the patterns they make, in a close up photograph. Pick, say, three main ID features. You might ask, what’s the point all this? Well, you’ve been concentrating on a specific task using your powers of observation. During this time you’ve not been thinking about anything else, you’ve not been worrying about either past or future. You’ve learned something, however small about yourself. And you’ve gained a little practice in living in the moment.
3. Don’t Look Back – this is a true proverb, “Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.”
4. Listening Well – Much of the time our minds tend to drift freely from thought to thought, which can compromise our enjoyment of passive pursuits, especially those involving listening or being a spectator. As a corrective exercise, tune into a radio station that’s playing songs. Take a couple of songs at random and concentrate on the words, assuming that they are in English and clearly discernible. Think of the singer’s situation. Enact in your mind the story implied. As with the knuckle inspection above, this is a simple exercise in focus, and a good antidote to mind anxieties.
5. Three Questions – Answer the following questions to see how close you come to the ideal of complete alertness. Here we go:
a. Do you always remember people’s names after you’ve been introduced to them?
b. Can you summarize the pot of the movie you most recently saw?
c. On a mental map of your local store, can you locate the products you buy most often?
If the answer is no to any of these questions, you may be lacking of attention to details, so work on the exercise and insights in this blog entry and bring yourself closer to the moment.
6. Observe Tine Details – Get close, then really close, to everyday object, or something in nature you see every day but take for granted. Use a magnifying glass! You’ll find beauty where you least expected.
7. Turning Point – “There is only one moment in time when it is essential to awaken. That moment is now”
8. Always Asking – “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questions.” – Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
9. Cultivate Simplicity – Living with respect for nature is the best way to practice this: observe weather pattern and seasonal change, and value the wisdom of trees, the strength of the wind, the majesty of mountains, and the serenity of flowing water.
10. Keep Learning – Every moment in life bring us an opportunity to learn something, to discover another way to do things and to increase our experiences. We are who we are because those moments that has shaped our perspective. Therefore let’s keep seeking for grow and development.
Adapted from 1,001 Ways to Live in the Moment – By Barbara Ann Kipfer
High Value Questions:
• What are the top 3 things you would like to explore from this list that can help you focus on the NOW?
• After selecting your top 3 things, what behaviors are you seeking to shape so that you can be present every moment you encounter?
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